Block c facultative class of limited choice (geodetic displacement measurements) geodetic displacement measurements  

Basic concepts and definitions: displacement, deformation, reference system - external and own, control network for the study of displacements, identification of the reference system, calculation of displacements. Reasons for the formation of displacements and deformations. The specificity of geodetic displacement measurements. Determination of vertical displacements by the precision leveling method. Determination of horizontal displacements: incomplete trigonometric network, full trigonometric network, angular-linear network, straight line method. Examples of applications of the GPS technique for the study of horizontal displacements. Development of measurement results for absolute vertical displacements determined by the precision leveling method. Determination of absolute horizontal displacements with the use of an angular-linear network. Determination of horizontal displacements using the incomplete trigonometric network. Geodetic interpretation of the results of displacement measurements. Methods of measuring relative displacements. Automation of displacement measurements.
Block c facultative class of limited choice (geodetic displacement measurements) geodetic displacement measurements

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